Are you in the market for a new heater? Have you thought about a furnace? A furnace makes an excellent heating system in our service area because of its power and comprehensiveness. As a forced–air distribution system, it uses ductwork to pull your indoor air in through a heat exchanger, heat it to the desired temperature, and send it back through the air ducts. Your furnace may run on gas, electricity, or propane, each of which makes an excellent heating solution for your entire home. We offer excellent furnace installation and replacement services throughout the Washington, Iowa city, Johnson, Keokuk, Louisa, Henry, Muscatine IA area.
At Harris Boyz Heating and Air Conditioning, we specialize in making sure that our customers are satisfied at all times. Having a good heater in the home is an absolute must during the fall and winter months. As a licensed and insured company, our customers’ homes are fully protected. Call us today whether you need furnace installation or replacement.
The Washington, Iowa City, Johnson, Keokuk, Louisa, Henry, Muscatine IA furnace experts at Harris Boyz Heating and Air Conditioning offer quality installation and replacement services throughout the area.

What Type of Furnace is Right for You
If you’ve made up your mind that you want a furnace in the home, then you need to figure out what type you want to have installed. There are three basic energy sources that your furnace can use to heat your home: gas, propane, and electricity. When you contact Harris Boyz Heating and Air Conditioning for service, we can help guide you through the entire process. Let’s take a closer look at your options:
- Gas: natural gas is a highly effective and energy–efficient source of energy for your heating system. We can provide comprehensive gas piping in addition to the furnace itself.
- Propane: if you don’t have a gas line hookup near your home, then you may want to opt for propane, which can be stored in a tank outside the home.
- Electricity: the conversion of electric to thermal energy is the cleanest possible energy source, but it may not be the most cost–effective. Nevertheless, for homes that do not already have gas piping installed, electric furnaces make a viable option.
It’s absolutely critical that your furnace be installed by a professional heating technician. There is simply no other way to make certain that your furnace installation in goes according to plan. At Harris Boyz Heating and Air Conditioning, we guide you through all of the steps. We make sure that you have everything you need to keep your home warm and comfortable throughout the winter months. We’ll provide a detailed load calculation so that we can find a furnace that is appropriately sized and works within your budgetary parameters. Let us help you make your home a better place.
Reasons to Consider Furnace Replacement
If you already have a furnace, but it requires frequent repairs, or has become grossly inefficient at heating your home, then you may want to consider furnace replacement. We can give you an honest evaluation of your existing furnace as to whether you should continue repairs or replace it. We can then find you a new system that fits your home perfectly.
At Harris Boyz Heating and Air Conditioning we Proudly offer American made heating and Air Conditioning equipment.
Need to find out how much your furnace installation will cost?
Harris Boyz offers free estimates to new customers!
We always give free detailed estimates for new heating and air conditioning equipment & a technician will be able to talk you through any questions or concerns you may have. We are proud to be an official SAVE Certified Company. What this means to you is that we can get you the biggest rebate available to you through your energy company on new equipment installed in your home.